MikroTik RouterOS v6.41.2 disponible

MikroTik RouterOS v6.41.2 disponible

Se ha publicado el release v6.41.2 de la rama current del RouterOS con la siguiente lista de arreglos:

RouterOS version 6.41.2 has been released in public "current" channel!

Before an upgrade:
1) Remember to make backup/export files before an upgrade and save them on another storage device;
2) Make sure the device will not lose power during upgrade process;
3) Device has enough free storage space for all RouterOS packages to be downloaded.

What's new in 6.41.2 (2018-Feb-06 12:29):

*) bridge - fixed ARP settings on bridge interfaces (introduced v6.41);
*) discovery - fixed discovery interface list change;
*) disk - fixed disk related processes becoming unresponsive after unplugging used disk;
*) filesystem - fixed situations when "/flash" directory lost files after upgrade;
*) ppp - do not lose "/ppp profile" script configuration after other profile parameters are edited;
*) routerboard - properly report warnings under "/system routerboard" menu;
*) snmp - added w60g support;
*) w60g - fixed "/interface w60g reset-configuration";
*) webfig - fixed backup loading from Webfig on RouterBOARD running default configuration;
*) winbox - changed default bridge port PVID value to 1;
*) wireless - fixed wireless protocol mode restrictions if lockpack is installed and has limits for it;

To upgrade, click "Check for updates" at /system package in your RouterOS configuration interface, or head to our download page: http://www.mikrotik.com/download

Se recomienda hacer un backup antes de actualizar a estar versión ya que se han realizado cambios radicales a nivel de bridging (con chip switch) y es posible tener dificultades al actualizar y luego requerir bajar la versión.

Puede ser descargado desde el sitio de MikroTik en la sección descargas o desde el Winbox en System > Packges.