MikroTik RouterOS v6.37 publicado y viene con importantes cambios

Grandes cambios se han producido en el RouterOS v6.37 que fue liberado hace pocas horas.
Uno de los cambios mas relevantes lo tenemos a nivel inalámbrico, ya que el paquete wireless, a partir de esta versión es un solo paquete. Los paquetes wireless-fp y wireless-cm2 han sido discontinuados. Debido a esto hay que tener precaución al momento de actualizar a ésta versión –v6.37-, utilizando el paquete wireless-cm2 o wireless-rep antes de realizar la acción.
La configuración del DFS también ha sido rediseñada, ahora el router chequea la lista de frecuencias que están permitidas en el país (la obtiene desde /interface wireless info country-info
) y aplica DFS en el rango de frecuencias definidas para ese modo, haciendo el modo dfs-mode innecesario. Es importante chequear el listado de frecuencias definido en el país especificado antes de actualizar.
La lista de cambios completa es:
What's new in 6.37 (2016-Sep-23 08:20): --- IMPORTANT! WIRELESS PACKAGE CHANGES: There will be only one "wireless" package starting from RouterOS v6.37. --- IMPORTANT! DFS CHANGES: DFS configuration in RouterOS has been redesigned, now device looks at specified country settings (/interface wireless info country-info), and applies corresponding DFS mode for each frequency range automatically, making dfs-mode setting unnecessary. Please, check that your frequencies work with corresponding DFS settings before upgrade. !) console - dfs-mode setting does not exist any more and all scripts with such setting will not be executed; !) dude - (changes discussed here: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=110424); !) dude - from now on dude will use winbox port and it will be changed automatically both in client loader and agent configuration; !) ethernet - added new loop-protect feature for ethernet, vlan, eoip, eoipv6 interfaces, http://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/Manual:Loop_Protect ; !) wireless - "wireless" package included in bundle "routeros" package; !) wireless - "wireless-cm2" discontinued; !) wireless - "wireless-rep" renamed to "wireless"; !) wireless - DFS option is removed, corresponding DFS mode for each frequency range applies automatically; *) capsman - fixed kernel crash on cap while changing client-to-client forwarding; *) capsman - report radio-name in registration table; *) certificate - do not allow to remove certificate template while signing certificate; *) console - hotspot setup show wrong certificate name; *) defconf - fixed default configuration restore if virtual wireless interface were present; *) defconf - fixed default configuration when wireless package is used; *) defconf - using caps button now forces all wireless interfaces in caps mode; *) dhcpv6 - improved interface status tracking; *) dhcpv6 - reworked DHCP-PD server interface and route management; *) dhcpv6 - update DUID when system-id changes (solves problem when cloned VM retains the same DUID); *) dns - fixed crash when using regexp static dns entries; *) ethernet - added support for LAN9514 ethernet dongle; *) ethernet - allow to force mtu value when actual-mtu is already the same; *) ethernet - fixed loop-protect on bridged ports; *) ethernet - fixed never ending loop in CDP packet processing; *) ethernet - fixed rare kernel failure on non-switch ethernet reset; *) ethernet - rb44ge now have disabled-running-check=no by default; *) firewall - added additional matchers for firewall raw rules; *) firewall - fixed time based rules on time/timezone changes (again); *) gps - always check NMEA checksum if available; *) health - do not show psu and fan information for passive cooling devices; *) hotspot - show comments from user menu also in active menu; *) ipsec - fixed crash with enabled fragmentation; *) ipsec - fixed dynamic policy not deleted on disconnect for nat-t peers; *) ipsec - fixed fragmentation use negotiation; *) ipsec - fixed kernel crash when sha512 was used; *) ipv6 - fixed RA and RS processing on new interfaces after many interfaces have lost link during prolonged operation; *) ipv6 - improved system responsiveness when ipv6 routes are frequently modified; *) ipv6 - show multiple neighbors with the same address; *) kvm - fix add/remove of disabled interfaces; *) kvm - fixed guest crashing when using mtu bigger than 1504; *) l2tp - fixed kernel failure when fastpath handles l2tp packets; *) leds - added option to disable all leds on RBcAP2n; *) lte - added ability to send/receive sms using '/tool sms'; *) lte - added dlink dwm-157 D, dwm-222 support; *) lte - added huawei me909s variant; *) lte - added initial deregistration only for bandrich modems; *) lte - added logging for usb config switching; *) lte - added Pantech UML295, Vodafone K4201-Z, ZTE MF823/MF831 support; *) lte - added rndis for ZTE MF8xx; *) lte - added support for more dlink dwm-222 configurations; *) lte - added switch for Huawei K5160; *) lte - added zte K5008-Z back; *) lte - adjusted usb config for dlink dwm-157 D; *) lte - fixed at chat condition storage; *) lte - fixed band setting for sxt lte; *) lte - fixed band unsetting; *) lte - fixed default channels for dlink dwm-157; *) lte - fixed ip activation when CREG (circuit switched) state remains in not registered state; *) lte - fixed setting correct lte band for sxt lte; *) lte - process initial state change to deregistred, when lockup occurs; *) lte - reset if sms storage set fails; *) mpls - fixed memory leak; *) mpls - fixed vpls throughput issues caused by out-of-order packets; *) ntp - fixed ntp server when local-clock used (like usb gps module); *) partitions - added ability to add comments; *) ppp - use default-route-distance when adding ipv6 default route; *) ppp,lte - pin is now converted to string argument; *) pppoe - fixed disconnects by idle timeout when fastpath is used; *) quickset - added 2GHz-g/n band support; *) quickset - fixed guest reporting in "home ap dual" mode; *) quickset - fixed wireless frequency fields in "home ap dual" mode; *) rb3011 - fixed rare occasions when router would hang while loading kernel; *) routing - improved kernel performance in setups with large routing tables; *) sfp - enabled eeprom printout in /interface ethernet monitor; *) sfp - fixed initial eeprom reading on CCR1036-8G-2S+ and CCR1072-1G-8S+; *) sfp - removed "sfp-rate-select" as command was not relevant to currently supported hardware; *) sms - moved incorrectly logged message from async to gsm topic; *) sms - report error when unsupported modem is being used; *) snmp - added script table which executes script and returns it's output on get request; *) snmp - require write permitions for script run table access; *) snmp - skip forbidden oids on getnext completion; *) sstp - allow to specify proxy by dns name; *) sstp - now supports TLS_ECDHE algorithms; *) supout - fixed bug that could cause enormous size supout.rif files; *) supout - improved crash report generation for tile architecture; *) switch - added comment field for CRS switch VLANs; *) traffic-flow - allow ipv6 src address to be optional; *) traffic-flow - fixed IPFIX packet timestamp; *) traffic-flow - fixed IPFIX wrong flow sequence; *) trafficgen - add per stream packet count setting; *) trafficgen - show out-of-order packet counters in stats printouts; *) tunnel - fixed communication via tunnel to router itself if fastpath was active; *) tunnel - fixed ipv6 link-local address adding for gre; *) tunnel - increased minimal MRRU to 1500 for PPP interfaces; *) tunnel - ipv6 link-local address is now generated from tunnel local-address; *) usb - added support for SMSC95XX USB Ethernet dongle on mipsbe; *) usermanager - fixed rare crash on paypal payment; *) users - fixed script policy checking against user policies when running scripts; *) webfig - do not crash if radius server does not give out encryption keys; *) webfig - fixed certificate signing; *) winbox - added auto refresh for BFD neighbors; *) winbox - added comment field support for switch vlan menu; *) winbox - added default-authentication parameter for wireless station modes; *) winbox - added src-address field for traffic-flow target; *) winbox - adjust on-event field dynamically depending on window size; *) winbox - adjusted allowed values for http-proxy field; *) winbox - disabled MRRU by default for PPP interfaces; *) winbox - display actual-mtu for tunnels in interfaces window; *) winbox - fixed disconnect when no windows were opened for a while in unsecure mode; *) winbox - fixed multiline read only fields not displaying new line characters; *) winbox - fixed raw firewall showing jump targets from filter chains; *) winbox - hide ethernet flow control settings for interfaces which does not support them; *) winbox - removed health menu from devices that do not support it; *) winbox - removed L2MTU field for PPP interfaces; *) winbox - removed L2MTU field from PPP server binding settings; *) winbox - removed unset button for L2MTU field; *) winbox - show firmware-type in routerboard window; *) wireless - display DFS flag in country info; *) wireless - improved driver support for RB953, hAP ac, wAP ac; *) wirelessd deauth to data frames in scan mode. *) wireless - updated brazil country settings;
Puede ser descargado desde el sitio de MikroTik en la sección descargas o desde el Winbox en System > Packges