MikroTik RouterOS v6.36.3 publicado
Recientemente fue liberada la versión v6.36.3 del RouterOS conteniendo los bugfix de dicha rama.
La lista de cambios es la siguiente:
What's new in 6.36.3 (2016-Sep-05 08:09): *) arp - fixed crash that caused Ethernet frames to go out via wrong interface; *) fastpath - fixed kernel crash on interface disable/remove; *) fetch - fixed bug with incomplete files in https mode; *) ipsec - don't log authtype mismatch as critical; *) ipsec - fixed xauth parameter printing in terminal; *) pppoe - fixed kernel crash caused by dial-on-demand when used with fastpath; *) pppoe - fixed master interface l2mtu check, could result in assumption that master interface can handle 14 byte bigger packet than it actually can (broken in 6.36); *) simple queues - fixed issue which caused additional/unnecessary CPU load; *) vlan - do not allow to add new vlan interface with mtu higher than l2mtu; *) tile - fixed rare kernel crash when usb device is being attached;
Puede ser descargado desde el sitio de MikroTik en la sección descargas o desde el Winbox en System > Packges